by Contributing Editor Melina Papadakis
WomenCount and "What's Your Point, Honey?" are proud to announce their partnership on behalf of women everywhere. WomenCount is a non-profit political organization giving women nationwide a powerful voice in the political process. "What's Your Point, Honey?" is a new documentary exploring the issues that face women every day and the future of women’s leadership.
"The movie is a visual representation of what WomenCount is all about," commented co-founder, Rosemary Camposano. "The young women in 'What's Your Point, Honey?' 'get it.' Lasting change comes through the political process and activism combined."
"My filmmaking partner, Amy Sewell, and I are thrilled to partner up with WomenCount, an organization destined to bring the waves of change for women," said Susan Toffler, co-writer/producer/director of "What's Your Point, Honey?"
At the Democratic Convention in just a few weeks, the partnership will begin its work to take this message on the road. WomenCount will conduct issue-related campaigns on the very same issues addressed in "What's Your Point, Honey?" such as lack of political representation for women in the U.S. Congress. The shared interest of achieving equality for women and giving a voice to an often silent group is what propels this venture.
"We are so excited to have found Susan and Amy," said Managing Director of WomenCount, Stacy Mason. "Not only are they incredible women and feminists in their own right, they put their passion into action in a way that creates a powerful commentary. The film says: We’ve come a long way – but look how far we have to go."
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