by Megan Manecke, Lifestyles Editor
As the economy slows, many experienced shoppers are hitting up their favorite department store sales racks. In times like these, it is perfectly okay to brag about the great deal you got a pair of shoes, pants, a purse, and so on.
“A sale is a retail store’s way of flirting with you. They are saying to you, ‘come into the store and see the bargains!’ It is very tempting thing to do, especially when you are trying to supplement your wardrobe,” says Janet Wood, style expert and founder of Fashion Fit Formula.
According to Wood, shoppers need to be aware when they are shopping the sales racks at higher end department stores because a lot of the time the sales items are not up to the quality of the non-sale items. “They are loss-leaders. Clothing sold at almost no profit to attract buyers into the location where they will then see the high profit clothing.”
So how is it done? The sale garment is not as nice as the full price merchandise but the cost of the sale item is not much lower than the regular priced product. Right next to the sales rack, there is a rack with better quality clothing at a higher price. So, the buyer (you) rationalizes that for just $30 more, you can get a better quality outfit.
So where can you find true bargains? Wood says when the seasons change, the unsold items’ prices go down. Also, invest in clothing that you will wear twenty times a season and make sure you pick a color that will not be “out” in a year. Evening wear is great but choose wisely, you don’t want to end up with an expensive outfit you will only wear once.
Lastly, you may be wondering, ‘what if this doesn’t fit me right but it is on sale!’ For this reason Wood invented the Fashion Fit Formula. The Formula is a mathematical system based on the 12 vertical measurements of a women’s body. The Fashion Fit Formula helps women to avoid closet guilt – for more information, please visit
Go ahead and try it out! Are you a bargain shopper? Have any advice for the rest of us? Let us know!