by Megan Manecke, Lifestyles Editor
The country is in a state of economic turmoil and people are feeling the pressure. Along with the concerns about the economy, there are always personal issues we all have to address. So what does one do when the stress piles on and there is no sign of relief?
According to there are some simple steps a person can take to lift the stress off their shoulders. These stress relievers reduce the strain of everyday worries. Taking action to include some of these things into our daily lives is a step in the right direction
Incorporating the right type of foods into one’s diet can be very effective. Almonds and fish are two foods that contain a number of B and E vitamins as well as minerals that help to increase the serotonin in the brain. An increase of serotonin improves one’s mood. Wholegrain pasta is another food that contributes to lower stress levels because it has a ‘slow carb’ effect. Which means the body digests slower and keeps energy levels normal, avoiding sugar crashes in the middle of the day.
Another simple stress reliever is running. Going for a run releases endorphins, a naturally-occurring hormone that attaches to the receptors in the brain and spinal cord to fight pain. Endorphins cause a euphoric feeling that improves the runner’s mood significantly. Running also raises one’s metabolism and improves cardiovascular health.
If all else fails, shout! However, try not to shout at the people around you. Instead drive to a remote location, get out of the car and just scream, yell, or cry. Once it is all out, drive back home and no one has to know. Shouting out anger and frustration is a great way to lower stress. suggests other stress relievers like golfing, laughing, and even breaking things. Do you have an alternative way you let out stress? Let us know!
Yes, diet, running and shouting in a remote location can be helpful. An additional way is to do Tai Chi and Qigong. A quiet and gently way of reducing stress. I'm biased because I teach both, however I've practised both for many years and definitely feel the benefits. All that is required is consistent practice.
Posted by: chris bennett | April 30, 2009 at 01:15 AM
In addition to watching my diet and exercise, I work at getting 6 - 7 hours of sleep, maintain my spiritual relationship with God and nurture my relationships with family and friends.
Posted by: Pammella | November 01, 2009 at 02:10 PM