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Lois W. Stern

Without a doubt, cosmetic surgery can make a huge difference in one's level of self-confidence. I interviewed over 100 women for my book on women and cosmetic surgery and have so many wonderful stories to share. Please check out my website (especially my MEDIA page) to listen to some of my interviews. Also, check out the STYLE section of the Dec. 30th NEW YORK TIMES and LA TIMES - page 2, where the author of "Hey, It's Still Me In Here" devoted two paragraphs to me and some of my thoughts.

Wishing you a happy and successful New Year.

Most sincerely,

Lois W. Stern
[email protected]


Cosmetic surgery and self-confidence are definitely connected. In most cases, this is precisely the driving force that lies beneath the resolution to undergo a specific surgery. It changes the way one feels about her-/himself. Instead of being troubled by a specific part of their body, after the cosmetic surgery procedure, people experience positive energy and feel great about themselves, which makes them more self-confident. You are welcome to check all the details and post questions, share your opinion on a new cosmetic surgery blog: http://www.cosmeticsurgerys.net/blog/. Be informed!

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