A Boomerful book review to bring out the best in you…
8 To Be Great - The 8 Traits That Lead To Great Success
by Richard St. John
Reviewed by Mary Kellenberger
At last – a “real” book about how to be your most wonderful self. These kinds of books are generally helpful to some extent. But many are written by rich, successful people, which can be intimidating to regular people like me. Granted, they must have done something (or lots of things) right or they wouldn’t have gotten so far. But, their success and what they’re preaching to me has often made me…
· Feel guilty
· Feel apprehensive about ever being able to do all these things
· Feel like it’s going to be a lot of work!
I greatly enjoy the way another author, Ken Blanchard, weaves his motivational tales. They always tell an interesting story and are quick and easy to understand. Richard St. John's style is as enjoyable to me as Blanchard's. In his quick little read, St. John – who, by the way, is also rich and successful but seems more real to me – also tells a tale of sorts. It’s constructed through interviews with more than 500 successful people over a period of 10 years and is very insightful.
There are lots of great quotes and advice from highly successful people and it didn’t annoy me, like other how-to success books. Also, it didn’t tell me that I was going to be an overnight success but, rather, that it would take me 10 years of doing all this stuff. That’s okay – at my age, time goes by pretty fast. I’ll be there in no time.