Being a baby boomer woman is pretty sweet. You have come into your age, and finally feel confident that people like you for yourself. Men’s eyes no longer drop to your chest when they meet you, and if they say they respect you for your intelligence, they don’t follow it by trying to cop a feel. But you’re not old enough not to care.
The aging process still gets in the way, however, and the carefree days of running a comb through your hair before taking off on a date are over. Mousse, hairspray and a teasing comb have become essential. But you’re too young to buzz your hair and wear floppy hats and big sweaters so people will say endearing things like, "She’s such a spunky old gal."
It’s a very long "in-between" from being 50 to being old.
You’ve fallen in love with elastic waistbands, but you still have the good sense to cover them with long tops. Thank the fashion gods for bringing the tunic back in style.
The same holds true for memory. You don’t remember enough to keep your kids from snickering every time you have to say, "We were at that one place we always went where they had those things you all liked that start with an "O"…or was it an "A?" Yet you’re not old enough to happily say, "Do I know you?" to relatives you don’t immediately recognize.
Buying a great pair of shoes that don’t fit exactly but they’re only $19.00 is out of the question. The bunion needs room, the arches need support and the hammer toe requires a flexible fabric. But you still occasionally buy the pointy-toed 3 inch heel that make your legs look like Betty Grable’s because there’s still hope that surgery, or a metatarsal miracle, will take care of the foot deformities and you’ll be wearing the fetching little numbers with the open toes and ankle strap again.
Proving that you can keep up with the guys on a 3 mile hike up Looking Glass Mountain is no longer a sign of your feminine, and quite adorable, determination. It’s a sign that someone is going to have to stay behind to help you hobble back down. But at least you can still get to the top.
You have to keep your chin up – literally and figuratively. You’ll feel more positive and the wrinkles in your neck get pulled tight enough to disguise the dreaded chicken skin.
No 'spunky old gals' for us, and don't call us 'spry' either.
Posted by: Rhea | April 06, 2007 at 07:38 PM
Amen sister!
Posted by: Claire | April 18, 2007 at 11:06 AM