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This is silly but when I'm driving by myself I crank the radio and sing at the top of my lungs. It's very therapeutic.


I would tell my 20 year old self to grow up! I feel like telling 20 year olds that all the time. Childhood is over. Time to develop some responsibility. Sure I had fun in my 20's but I wish I would have not wasted so much time on stupid stuff like bad boyfriends and dope.


After I get home I always pour myself a glass of wine and sit on my back porch for 20 minutes or so. I do that before I make dinner, ask the kids how their day was, think about laundry...etc. I can't function in the evening without my daily ritual.


I go along with C.B. - I love to relax with a glass of wine when I get home. But - then I started worrying that maybe I was turning into a 'wino'! Oops!

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