We hear time and again how the obesity rate in America is going through the roof, how many millions of people die from cancer each year or talk about the syndrome of the day (chronic fatigue syndrome, restless legs syndrome). The list goes on and on.
Why all of these sicknesses? Are humans really riddled with disease and pestilence? I don’t think so. It comes down to our self, our own self, that is really in control of our health and well being.
Caring for yourself and your body, everyday, in simple ways, is the best preventative medicine on the planet. And you are in control. Caring for yourself isn’t self indulgent, selfish or vain. It requires a lot of perseverance in a society that believes in using medicine and health care as an after-thought is the true path to well being.
Yes, medical doctors are essential for treating serious illnesses, and I’m not saying you should all pitch your physician out the window, but there comes time when you have to be honest with yourself and look at your lifestyle and make healthy changes before it becomes too late.
The meditative approach to health and well being has done wonders for me, and if we all took a moment to connect to our own source of healing energy, think of how this nation's health care crisis could be solved. There would be no health care crisis. It has been been shown that when 1 in 100 people meditate, the incidence of terrorist attacks, accidents and murders decreases drastically.
Something as fundamental as taking moment to focus on yourself: heart, mind, body and soul, that can heal your body and bring peace into this world at the same time sounds like a win-win situation to me. I can't imaging anyone finding an argument against that. So no excuses! It's time to take care of yourself FIRST.